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Besides the Jews, Nazis persecuted homosexuals, gypsies, physically and mentally handicapped, and obviously political enemies.

To be unworthy or unfit to be part of the master race meant that one was not of Aryan descent.

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All non-Aryan person, as well as homosexuals, and those who were mentally or physically disabled.

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Q: Who else besides the Jews did the Nazis feel were inferior unworthy or unfit to be part of the master race?
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What is the name of the German master race that Hitler insisted was destined to rule inferior peoples?


What were the other groups besides Jews that were considered inferior?

Almost every kind of people besides "Aryans" (Germans, but also Scandinavians, English, Dutch, and some French) were considered inferior. However, besides Jews, the Nazis in particular hated Slavs- Polish, Russians, Serbs, Bosnians, Ukrainians, etc. This is a big part of the reason why Nazi Germany invaded Poland and the Soviet Union- the Nazis wanted to kill or enslave the Slavs, and settle "Aryans" in their lands.

Why did the Nazis characterize non- Aryans as subhuman?

To gain support for the idea of eliminating them.

Who belonged to the ''Master Race'' in the Nazis?

Answer .Full blooded germans and Aryans. Jews, Gypsies, Freemansons, and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered inferior.

Why did Nazis murder millions of Jews?

The Nazis killed the Jewish people in the Holocaust because they viewed the Jewish people as inferior.

How were concentration camps similar to extermination camps in nazi German?

Answer this question… Both served as prisons for people the Nazis saw as dangerous or inferior.

How did the Nazis defined the Jews as different and inferior?

How- they passed laws stating it. They classified Jews as a race, therefore they were genetically different and inferior.

Who made the contration camps?

I think you mean 'Concentration Camps'. These were created by Adolph Hitler and the Nazis in World War II. Used as a means to exterminate Jews and other people deemed unworthy by the Nazis.

Why did the Nazis outlaw marriage between Jews and other Germans?

The Nazis believed that Jews were an inferior race and they didn't want their own race to be 'contaminated'.

Was the Master Race the Jews or the Nazis?

Hitler and his followers believed that the Germans were the master race.

What did the Germans do to the people they considered inferior?

Nazis in Germany rounded up the people they considered inferior and sent them to concentration camps. The prisoners were treated cruelly there and millions were killed.

Why did Nazis kill other genosides besides Jews?

because they could.