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Greeks and Romans who resided in Egypt were also mummified

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The attempts of mummification were present in socialist countries. (A mummified body of V. I. Lenin still exists.)

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Q: Who else other than the Egyptians mummified people?
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How did the status of scribe affect the daily lives of people in this social class?

It affected their lives because religion touched every body Else's daily lives wherever they were in the social pyramid

Why did the egyptians build grea pyramids for their kings?

They were built to be used to house burial chambers. These chambers were linked by ascending and descending passages. The 3 great pyramids at Giza were for Kings, the smaller ones were for other less important mebers of the Royal Family later, however, they realized that people (called grave robbers) were stealing the valuable things the great kings were buried with. The Egyptians believed that the deceased would need all of their riches and food and everything else in the happy, care free afterlife they believed in. If the stuff was taken away, they would not enjoy the afterlife so much. they started hiding the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. this did not stop the grave robbers though, but the graves were harder to spot than a huge pyramid in the middle of no where :P

Why were people before copermicus unable to find out what he did?

Because he was so intelligant that noone else could find out what he did .

Are Ancient Egyptians smart?

Many people today confuse intelligence with technology - "the ancient Egyptians had no electricity, computers, heavy machinery or plastics, therefore they must have been less intelligent than we are today". In fact the reverse is true. It takes massive intelligence to organise building programmes such as those undertaken in ancient Egypt using very rudimentary technology; nobody else has ever constructed a temple complex like that of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, or that of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel, or the Great pyramids of Giza. The organisation, planning, infrastructure and support services for these projects and very many more indicate that the ancient Egyptians were exactly as intelligent as we are today - perhaps more so. We rely so much on time saving devices, electronic gadgets and electronic entertainment that we have no motivation to use our intelligence wisely.

What organ did the ancient Egyptians think with?

egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ?? egptians thought with there brain obviously every human being thinks with there brain unless they are programmed to think with something else which is impossible unless you are a robot ??

Related questions

WHAT else has been found in the bogs besides mummified people?

Uncle Jeff and I found a mummified gater.

Why the Egyptians mummified only the Pharaoh and his closet advisors?

cos no one else was important during that era.

What are the main differences in the mummification of a king vs Anyone else?

#1 thing is; to be mummified you had to have a TON of money, and normal people didn't have a ton of money; however a lot of people got mummified even if they didn't go through the Egyption ritual. A lot of poor Incans Got mummified because the were so high up.

Perserved in hot dry conditions?

Mummy's are preserved in hot dry conditions when they are mummified.

What else did the egyptians mummify and why?


How did the nile river not help the Egyptians?

By flooding ocanisonly and kill both people and crops.And something else but I am not sure.

What did the Egyptians meat made of?

camells what else

Are Egyptians weid?

No more than anyone else.

What else did the egyptians emblam besides humans?


Why did egyptians use papyras?

Because there was nothing else

Why did the Ancient Egyptians take such special care to preserve the body of the dead?

this long process of embalming the dead was an extravagance reserved for pharaohs, whose mummies were placed in opulent tombs or pyramids along with riches, foods, furnishings, and anything else to comfort them in the afterlife.

Why did Egyptians use science?

the egyptians had nothing else to use. most likely they didnt even know or call it science.