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The Bible doesn't provide specific names, but there was a thief and a murderer.

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Q: Who else was crucified with Jesus what were there names of the thevies?
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Who else got crucified with Jesus?

Two criminals were crucified with Jesus on either side of him, as mentioned in the Bible.

Who else died with Jesus?

Two thieves were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.

Who else was on trial but saved instead of Jesus?

Jesus was not tried with other people. He went on trial alone. There were other convicted criminals who were due to be crucified at the same time as he. The one who was released was Barabbas, who was convicted for rioting. Jesus was crucified with two thieves.

Who else was on the cross with Jesus and how old were they?

There were two robbers on the cross , one on each side of Jesus they were in their middle years.

What happened to Barabas of the Bible?

Barabus was a murderer that killed many people. He was imprisoned at the time of Jesus and he was to be crucified. When Pilot gave the people the people the choice of releasing Jesus or Barabus, Barabus was released. Nothing else is known.

Do Catholics believe that Jesus was crucified?

Yes they do, and He is what the church is based and built on. Have you ever noticed the crucifixes?Yes.

Who sent Saint Andrew to his death?

A:St Andrew the apostle was crucified in the city of Azrinos. Or Archaia, or in the city of Patrae. Or somewhere else, on the orders of various local officials. It is suggested that the legend that, just like his brother Peter, Andrew refused to be crucified like Jesus and was therefore crucified on a 'St Andrews' cross dates only from the fourteenth century. In fact, we know nothing about the death of Andrew: where he died, whether he died of old age or was executed and on whose orders.

Did Jesus need to use the bathroom while he was alive on Earth?

Of course Jesus went to the bathroom like anyone else (where do you think the last supper went?) He was human and also got thirsty and, if you read the Bible on the part of his crucifixion a woman came forth and offered him water as he was hauling that huge cross on his back to the hill where he would be crucified. Jesus also bled and had every bodily function we as human have.

What happens after death seventh day adventis doctrine?

Seventh-day Adventists believe that when a person dies they get buried and stay in the ground until Jesus Christ comes back. Then he raises the people that believe in him and the people that crucified him up and everyone that believes in him will go back to heaven with him. The people that crucified him are raised to see him coming in the clouds. Hope it helped if you haven't already got the answer from someone else:)

What are the 5 concepts in which Islam and Christianity disagree?

Islam recognizes Jesus prophet and God Messengers (one of the Greatest prophets. Christianity does not recognize Muhammad prophecy.Islam calls for the God oneness and that no god except one and only one God, with no father, no son, no partner, and no resemblance. Majority of Christians considers Jesus god or son of god.Islam calls for that Jesus was not crucified and that he was raised bodily to the heavens. Jesus likeness was thrown on someone else who was crucified. Christianity calls for that Jesus was crucified.Islams calls that Adam and Eve admitted their sin, repented, and God accepted their repentance and forgave them. Christianity calls for that all Adam descendants were born with their father original sin and that Jesus sacrificed himself to relieve them from this sin.Islam emphasizes that everyone is responsible of all his doings in the Day of Judgment. Christianity emphasizes that Jesus will save his followers from their sins.

Who believes in the resurrection of Jesus?

AnswerMuslims believe in Jesus Resurrection.Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. They believe that the enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) plotted and planned to crucify Jesus. However, God miraculously saved Jesus and raised him bodily up to Him (to God). God, the all Powerful and the all Capable, put the likeness of Jesus (peace upon him) over another man. The enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) thought that the this other man is Jesus and they took him and crucified him. God has said:"...They said, "We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God." They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)... "(Quran, chapter 4, verse 157)Also, some of the early Christians sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the Cross. The Basilidans believed that some one else was substituted for him.It is believed that Jesus is still living in the body in the Heavens and that he will appear just before the Final Day, after the coming of the Mahdi, when the world will be purified of sin and unbelief. There will be a final death for Jesus before the final Resurrection, but all will have believed before that final death.-ELO-

If Jesus is real is everyone else wrong?
