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The Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 BS was formulated according to the public will expressed in the Popular Movement II.

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Q: Who enforced the promulgation of the interim constitution of Nepal 2063 BS?
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When was Interim constitution 2063 of Nepal promulgated?

the interim constitution 2063 of Nepal promulgated in 2063 Maraga 1.

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the interim constitution 2063 of Nepal promulgated in 2063 Maraga 1.

Explain the matter of article 3 of the interim constitution of nepal 2063 BS?

Article 3 of the interim constitution of Nepal 2063 BS talks about children found within the boarders of Nepal.

What type of government does Nepal have in 2007?

As of 15 January 2007 Nepal was governed by an unicameral legislature under an interim constitution. On December 24, 2007, seven parties, including the former Maoist rebels and the ruling party, agreed to abolish monarchy and declare Nepal a Federal Republic

Why do people of Nepal want a new constitution?

The people of Nepal want a new constitution as it needs it after the monarchical constitution which is no more. Hence, to rule a country, a constitution is required and Nepal is forming a new constitution.

When was the first constitution present in Nepal?

The first constitution was present in 2004 bs in nepal

What is a constitution of Nepal?

constitution of any country (not only nepal) is the basic code and how the country is governed and what it stands for

Does Nepal have a constitution?

Yes it does.

Is Nepal a Hindu nation?

No. There are there are two Hindu-majority countries in the world, India and Nepal, and one Hindu-plurality country, Mauritius. However, all three of these countries are currently secular nations with no official state religion. In the case of Nepal, Hinduism was the state religion under the former Kingdom of Nepal, which was overthrown in 2008. However, in the current Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, there is no official state religion in Nepal.

Who is the present constitution minister of Nepal?

Dr.Baburam Bhatarai

History of constitutional develpoment in Nepal?

Earlier Constitutions and their features: (Constitutional Development in Nepal) The Nepal Government Act- 2004 (Nepal Sarkar Baidhanik Kanun-2004:( By: Padma Shumser JBR 1. The 1st written constitution of Nepal implemented from 1st Baisakh 2005. 2. Provision to fundamental rights and Duties. 3. Provision for Attorney General, Provision for General and Public Service. 4. Provision of free compulsory primary education. 5. Provision of village, municipal and district Panchayat. The Interim Constitution of Nepal- 2007 ( Nepal antarim shasan Bidhan- 2007) By: King Tribhuwan 1. Constitution with directive principle of the state policy 2. Executive answerable to the king 3. Established the PSC 4. Provision for fundamental rights 5. Established the Advisory Assembly and Election Commision The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal- 2015 By: King Mahendra 1. Nepali lg with devnagiri script as official lg. 2. Bicameral legislature i.e. Mahasabha and Prastinidhi Sabha 3. Provision of constitutional Arms 4. The Council of Ministers responsible for the hose of Repesentative 5. Independent judiciary The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal- 2019 By: King Mahendra 1. Fundamental Rights and duties 2. Nepal as Sovereign, independent monarchial Hindu Kingdom 3. Citizen based on descent and naturalized citizenship 4. Executive power of King, council of ministers 5. Directive principles of Panchayati System 6. Supreme court 7. Special provision for Constitutional amendments The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal- 2047 By: King Birendra 1. Guaranteed fundamental rights and freedom of the citizen 2. Sovereignty vested in the people 3. Independent judiciary 4. Constitutional Monarchy 5. Multi-party system 6. Rule of law The Interim Constitution of Nepal- 2063 By: Speaker Subash Chandra Nembang on behalf of the Interim Parliament 1. Prepared and Promulgated on behalf of the people. 2. State Power and Sovereignty vested in the people 3. Secularism 4. Executive power in the Council of ministers 5. Provision for Election of the Constituent Assembly 6. Human Rights Commission as a constitutional organ 7. The chief of Army recommended by the Council of Ministers.

Is Nepal making a new constitution why?

Yes, Nepal is making a new constitution. It needs it after the monarchial constition which is over. Shah dynasty rules Nepal no more. Hence, to rule a country, a constitution is required and it should have everything different because monarchy is transformed to federal republic nation. So, it really needs it!