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Q: Who established navigation techniques using the stars?
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How does celestial navigation work?

by using the sun, moon, or stars

What is coastal and celestial navigation?

The old sailors went hugging the coast line. Using the stars to navigate is called celestial navigation.

What are the two branches of navigation?

The navigation is a study that focuses on the process of controlling and monitoring the movement of a thing from one place to another. It has two branches; (1) is the celestial navigation that focuses on navigation using sun, moon, stars or other celestial bodies, and (2) is terrestrial navigation that is focused on navigation using terrestrial landmark such as lighthouses.

Why do pacific people use stars for navigation?

Stars have been used for navigation for thousands of years. Different stars are in different sections of the sky and can even tell you what your latitude and longitude are, provding you have proper equipment. Before maps where made people had to guess using the North Star and the sun. If they don't have a GPS or a compass they follow the stars.

What is sailing by the stars?

Astral navigation. By using a sextant (instrument used to measure the altitude of a celestial object) a clock and logarithms you can work out your position on the earth's surface hence 'sailing by the stars'

Why do sailors use stars back in the old days?

It is called "Celestial Navigation", and was a method of finding your way from Point A to Point B across the vast and featureless ocean by using positions of known stars.

Navigation on the sea by using the position of the stars to find one's way was made much easier in previous centuries by the invention of what instrument?

It is called an astrolabe.

How did sailors find their latitude before radio navigation aids were invented?

By navigation using the stars. Sailors measured the position of the stars above the horizon using a sextant, from a table of known postions of the stars. This method also requires that you know the time of day, which is taken from a known point at Greenwich in England (Greenwich Mean Time GMT). Every place on earth takes its time from being plus or minus so many hours from GMT.

What is the antonym of navigation?

to stay and get lost without using the navigation system

What is a paperless navigation?

Paperless navigation means navigation performs by using only ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display System) only.

How did celestial navigation work?

Celestial navigation is the method of using stars, the sun and moon, and planets to determine one's location on Earth. This method has been used for thousands of years, but fell out of favor in the 20th century with technological advancement.

What effects doe lengthening the distance from the observer have on parallax?

The parallax should get smaller and harder to notice although in astronomy there are techniques used to find the parallax of stars by using the Earth's position around the sun to find the distance of the stars.