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Q: Who eventually settled into eastern Europe and Hungary?
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In what Eastern European country did the Magyar settle?

The Magyar settled in Hungary; which is a country in Eastern Europe.

Where is Hungary southern Europe or eastern Europe?

Hungary is in eastern Europe.

What is the hemisphere of Hungary?

Hungary is a country located in Eastern Europe. Geographically you will find that Hungary is located in both the eastern and northern hemispheres.

What is the continent of Hungary?

Community Answer 1Hungary is in Eastern Europe._____________________Community Answer 2Hungary is in Europe. It is located in the center of the continent.

What country has the most industrialized economy in the eastern Europe?

A+ users: Hungary

Did Russians settle in Eastern Europe?

Yes, the Russians have settled throughout Eastern Europe. At one point, Russia (then the USSR) used to control practically all of Eastern Europe.

Is there a monarchy from eastern europe-?

The closest to a monarchy from eastern Europe is Liechenstein. It is on the border of eastern and western Europe. Prince Alois has been ruler of the country since 1989.

Is Hungary in east Asia?

No. Hungary, which was part of the mighty Austria-Hungary of the Central Powers in WWI, is in eastern Europe

Where is eastern Europe located?

Eastern Europe is the Eastern portion of the continent of Europe. The countries that border Western Europe are Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, and Slovenia. Then it includes the in between parts of these countries and Asia.

Where is Hungary located southern or northern Europe?

Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe

Which of these countries is not in Eastern Europe Croatia Hungary Belgium or Latvia?


Who were the ancient people who settled in all of Eastern Europe?

The Slavs