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The possible orbital period of Pluto was calculated prior to its discovery. Between 1906 and 1930, Percival Lowell, William Pickering, and Clyde Tombaugh conducted an extensive search for 'the ninth planet' that disrupted Neptune's orbit. After confirmation of photographs, they calculated Pluto's revolution period and found historical images of Pluto that had previously been overlooked.

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Q: Who figured out that It takes 248 Earth years for Pluto to orbit around the Sun?
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Why does pluto take so long to orbit the earth?

No answer Pluto orbits the Sun Pluto does not orbit the Earth

Why does Pluto's moon charon orbit around the earth instead of Pluto?

It doesn't. Charon is much too far away to be influenced by Earth's gravity. Charon is gravitationally bound to Pluto, but technically does not orbit it. Because Charon is fairly massive compared to Pluto the two object orbit around their common center of mass, which lies outside of Pluto.

How many earth's years would it take for Pluto to travel around the sun?

248.09 Earth years for Pluto to orbit the Sun

How long does it for Pluto to go around the sun?

It takes Pluto 248 Earth years to orbit the sun. (1 Pluto year = 248 Earth years)

Does Pluto orbit the sun every 2.5 Earth years?

The real answer is that PLuto is not a planet and doenst real orbit around something so its not going to orbit the sun in about 25000000000 years. YOU have to know this.

How many earth days does it take for Pluto to orbit the sun?

It Take's Pluto 243 Earth Day's, To Orbit The Sun? Pluto is farther away from the sun than Earth, therefore, since it has a longer way to go to completely orbit the Sun, there is no way it can take only 243 days

Has the Hubble been to Pluto?

No, the Hubble Telescope stays in orbit around the Earth.

Does Pluto orbit earth?

No. Pluto orbits the sun.

Does Pluto orbit around the sun every 2.5 earth years?

No, it takes 248 EARTH years.

How long it takes Pluto to get around the Sun?

It takes Pluto approximately 248 Earth years to orbit the Sun once.

How many days does Pluto orbit the sun?

0.00403087 times in one year.248 earth years.Pluto revolves around the sun all the time. Even without ever stopping, it takes248 years to complete one revolution. Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has madeless than 1/3 of a complete orbit around the sun.

What is the size comparison of Earth and Pluto?

If Pluto's orbit were on the same plane as Earth's orbit, if Earth were directly between the sun and Pluto, if Earth were at its aphelion (the point in its orbit where it's farthest from the sun), and if Pluto were at its perihelion (the point in its orbit closest to the sun), on the scale where the diameter of Earth is 5 mm, the distance from Earth to Pluto is about 1.681 km (a little over a mile).