

Who finds Romeo dead first?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Juliet. As he lays dying she wakes up to find his body and then commits sucide.

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Q: Who finds Romeo dead first?
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Romeo died first. Juliet took a fake potion to make her sleep but appear to be dead. Romeo then drank his potion presuming her dead and died. Juliet then woke up to find Romeo dead and stabbed herself with his knife.

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Juliet's death was in the final act of the play -- after the death of Romeo. Juliet takes a potion that sends her into a deep sleep and makes her appear dead. When romeo finds her, he thinks she is dead and drinks poision. Juliet wakes up from her sleep and finds romeo dead beside her. She kills herself with a dagger because, just as romeo could not live without her, she could not live without him.

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Romeo dies first. Juliet drinks a portion which makes her seem dead, but Romeo thinks she really is dead and commits suicide. When Juliet is awake again, she sees dead Romeo next to her and kills herself.

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