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Tony Jennings did he was the first person

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Q: Who first invented storage devices?
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Related questions

Who invented the vacuum tubes and storage devices?

Vacuum tube was invented by lee de forest .

What is the difference between backing storage devices and secondary storage devices?

there is no difference!

Does not contain a storage device?

Some devices do not contain storage devices, or do not have enough storage space needed by a particular user. Extra storage devices such as an external hard drive can be utilized.

Write about auxilary storage devices?

write detail note on secondary storage devices

Examples of storage devices?

THER ARE TWO TYPES OF STORAGE DEVICES: RAM(RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY DEVICE) CD WRITERAND ROM(READ ONLY MEMORY)e.g DVD ROM.Uhh no that's completely wrong there are many examples of storage devices. There is magnetic storage devices, optical storage devices, silicon storage devices, and others i cant think of.~Dawn~

Are hard drives considered volatile storage devices?

No, they are permanent storage devices, only RAM is volatile storage device.

Some storage devices?

It's a storage that is attached internally in the device's box.

4 Explain various storage devices and their characteristics?

Explain various storage devices and their characteristics?

Name the 3 types of storage devices?

name 3 types of permanent storage devices

Explain in short InputOutput and Storage Devices with examples?

Input = Keyboard Input = scanner Output = printer Storage Devices = Hard Drive Storage Devices = Thumb Drive

First electronic device?

relay and vacuum tube are the electronics devices which are invented firstly in the field of electronics. but they are not revolutionary as transistor which was discovered by John Bardeen.after that other devices are invented like fet mosfet and after that digital devices was invented with the help of these devices.

How secondary storage devices are classified?

Secondary storage is?æthe devices for permanent storage and it is not affected if the computer is turned on or not. Secondary storage is?æmostly known as auxiliary storage or external hardware.