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Mathematicians in ancient India s invented the decimal system around in the 9th century CE.

It was later adopted by Persian and Arabic mathematicians and spread to the western world by the High Middle Ages.

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Q: Who first invented the Decimal Number System?
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Who were the first people to use the zero and the decimal system?

The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.

What man invented the decimal system?

I believe nobody is positive about WHO invented it but it was first used in ancient India

Who created the first number system?

i invented

What was the first system of measurment that was based on the units of ten?

Decimal number system

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Father of decimal number system?

The decimal (base 10) number system can be found in many of the world's oldest civilizations and records including the Egyptians (3000 BC), Minoans (1600 BC), Bronze Age Greeces (1900 BC), Indian Brahmi (300 BC), Hittites (1600 BC), and Chinese (1700 BC). As such, either the system was invented multiple times or the inventor lost in pre-history.However, the first documented case of a decimal number system being invented is by Archimedes (287-212 BC) in his Sand Reckoner.

What was the first invented number?

The number zero was the first "invented" number.

How does the zero make the decimal system possible?

The zero enables the use of place values which are fundamental to the decimal system. It allows you to differentiate between 109 and 19: the 1 in the first number represents the number of hundreds whereas in the second number the same digit represents the number of tens.

Who invented number 10?

There is no one person who invented the number 10. Each society, when it started, had its own number system, so it is hard to tell who came up with the number and concept of 10 first.

What is Round 30.089 to the nearest hundredth?

In the decimal system, the first number after a decimal is the tenth spot, then the hundredth, then the thousandth. Also, when you round, if a number is above five, then you round to the next number, if it is below five you stay with the number you have. In this case the answer would be 30.09.

What is a Dewey decimal letters?

Dewey decimal letters refer to the letters at the beginning of a Dewey Decimal Classification number that represent different subject areas. For example, in the Dewey Decimal Classification system, the letter "D" refers to the general category of history and social sciences. These letters help organize library materials by subject.

What is the tenth about?

it is the first decimal number