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It was a team of scientist that first reported CFTR gene mutation in children with Cystic Fibrosis. The team worked in North-East of Iran.

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Q: Who first reported mutation?
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In 2003, a group of researchers reported on a new genetic mutation associated with primary amenorrhea.

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There is no such thing as "the first duck." all things on earth evolved slowly, mutation by mutation, so that they fit their environment. Things that have good mutations live and have kids, and their kids have that mutation. That's how evolution works.

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First case of PKU was reported in Munster Germany in 1964.

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Natural selection can only work on genetic variation that already exists. So mutation comes first, then natural selection.

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It was first reported as a separate pathologic entity by Gorlin et al in 1962

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It is believed to have been a mutation of a dinosaur.

What is the term for any permanent change in a gene of chromosome?

The permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called Mutation.

When was first reported?

in the u.s in 1981

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What is a change or error in the structure of a gene or chromosome?

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Mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome?
