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The Great Wall was begun around 220BC by the Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Huange commanded local rulers to erect the wall which was maintained until the 16th century.

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Q: Who forced peasants to work on the great wall of china?
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Related questions

Did the peasants build the Great Wall of China?

Yes, but the main people who built it were prisoners. They were forced to work and the peasants and warriors helped them.

What kind of men built the Great Wall of China?

Poor men, usually peasants were forced to build the Great Wall by Shih Huang Ti.

Did the peasants help build the Great Wall of China?

yes they were slaves the emperor ordered people to come and build the GREAT WALL OF CHINA many people died while building the great wall and all those who died was built into the wall

Who direct the solders to Great Wall of China?

Qin ShiHuangdi, the first emperor of China, forced soldiers and lots of other kinds of people such as teachers musicians and peasants.

Would people be forced to work on the great wall of china?

yes. People were forced to work on the great wall.

For the Great Wall of China who did the work?

The Great Wall of China was built by soldiers, peasants, and criminals who were ordered by Emperor Qin Shihuang to be built.

Who did the actual labor of the great wall of China?

slaves and captives built the great wall of china, but it was constructed by Qin Shi Huang

What kind of people build the great wall of China?

peasants and farmers

Was the Great Wall of China built for a reason?

The Great Wall of China was built by Chinese peasants in a time of war in an attempt to keep out the invading Mongolians.

Who did bild the wall?

The person or, in this case, people that built the Great Wall of China were criminals and peasants. The Great Wall was built in ancient times. At that time, China's emperor was Shi Huangdi. He was the one that ordered the Great Wall to be built. He was also the one that thought peasants and criminals should build it. The Great Wall united China and also stopped invaders (mainly Mongolians) from conquering China.

Who did all the labor of building the Great Wall of China?

Peasants and farm labourers

What did the great wall of china serve other than protecting china from foreign armies?

role of the Great Wall in military defense.