

Great Wall of China

A fortress 1500 miles long throughout northern China built between 2000 and 3000 B.C. which now serves as a tourist attraction

1,318 Questions

Why it would be easier for geologists to study extrusive igneous rocks than intrusive igneous rocks?

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Extrusive igneous rocks are formed at the Earth's surface and are readily accessible for study, whereas intrusive igneous rocks are formed below the surface and require more involved methods to access and study. Additionally, extrusive rocks cool quickly, leading to small crystal sizes that are easier to analyze compared to the larger crystals found in intrusive rocks. The rapid cooling of extrusive rocks also often results in a more uniform composition, making it easier to draw conclusions about their origins.

What do special cells come together to form?

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Specialized cells can come together to form tissues, which then combine to form organs. These organs work together to create organ systems that carry out specific functions in the body.

What is cell wall and its function?

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Asked by Adarshpathania

The cell wall is a rigid layer that surrounds the cell membrane of plant cells, fungi, and some bacteria. It provides structural support and protection for the cell, helping to maintain its shape and prevent it from bursting under pressure. The cell wall also allows substances to pass in and out of the cell and plays a role in cell-to-cell communication.

How does a volcano destroy man made structures?

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Volcanoes can destroy man-made structures through various mechanisms such as lava flows, pyroclastic flows, ashfall, and lahars. Lava flows can directly engulf buildings and infrastructure, while pyroclastic flows can incinerate anything in their path. Ashfall can accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse under the weight. Additionally, lahars, or volcanic mudflows, can erode and bury structures in their path.

An angry man punches a wall and hurts his hand when the wall stops his fist this is an example of newstons law?

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Yes, this is an example of Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The man's fist exerted a force on the wall, and in return, the wall exerted an equal force back on his hand, resulting in injury.

Can you see the northern lights in china?

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It is extremely rare to see the northern lights in China as it is not located within the auroral zone where the lights are most commonly visible. The best places to see the northern lights are typically in high-latitude regions such as Scandinavia, Canada, or Alaska.

Neoplasms occur when cells go wild and the normal controls of cell are lost?

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Neoplasms, often referred to as tumors, are abnormal growths of cells that have lost normal control mechanisms. These cells continue to divide and grow at an uncontrolled rate, potentially leading to the formation of a mass or lump of tissue. Neoplasms can be either benign or malignant, with malignant tumors having the potential to spread to other parts of the body.

How many meters is the Great Wall of China?

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The Great Wall of China is approximately 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles) long.

A plant cell's cell wall does something for the cell What does it do?

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The cell wall provides structural support and protection for the plant cell, helping maintain its shape and prevent it from bursting when water enters the cell. It also acts as a barrier to pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances. Additionally, the cell wall allows for communication and adhesion between neighboring plant cells.

If I made a wall out of bricks which are made of all the poop i made in my whole life how long could i make the wall?

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Asked by Wiki User

An average human produces about 0.3-0.5 pounds of poop per day. Assuming an average weight of 0.4 pounds per day, over the course of a lifetime (let's say 80 years), you would produce around 11,680 pounds of poop. Given that a standard brick weighs around 4.5 pounds, you could make a wall approximately 2,600 bricks long.

What would a plant cell be like If it didnt have a cell wall?

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A plant cell without a cell wall would lack structural support and shape. It would be more prone to bursting or collapsing under pressure. Additionally, it would be more vulnerable to damage from external factors.

Is the great wall of China located in the north China plain?

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Yes, the Great Wall of China is located in the northern part of China, spanning across various provinces. It does pass through the North China Plain, but it is not exclusively located there.

How far into space is the great wall visible to the naked eye?

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The Great Wall of China is not visible from space to the naked eye. This is a common misconception. The wall is not wide enough or made of materials that would make it easily visible from such a distance.

Does the great wall of China cover the whole China?

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No, the Great Wall of China does not cover the entire country. It stretches over approximately 13,000 miles across northern China, but it does not encircle the entire country.

Is the wall of China impenetrable?

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While the Great Wall of China is a formidable structure, it is not impenetrable. Historically, it has been breached multiple times by various invading forces. Today, the wall is a popular tourist destination and is not a functional defensive barrier.

What does walled up mean?

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Walled up means to be enclosed within walls. If I surround you with 4 walls standing at 90 degrees (straight up and down) made of very thick glass and twice your height, it is very unlikely you would escape - you are walled up.

Functrion of the cell wall?

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The cell wall provides structural support and protection to the cell, helping it maintain its shape and resist mechanical stress. It also controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell, acting as a barrier to external factors. Additionally, the cell wall contributes to the overall strength and rigidity of plant cells.

Was the great wall of china ever completed?

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No, the Great Wall of China was never fully completed. Construction started over 2,000 years ago and continued intermittently, with different dynasties adding sections over time. The wall in its current form is the result of centuries of building and rebuilding efforts.

What is the summer palace in Beijing china used for?

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The Summer Palace in Beijing, China, was originally built as a royal garden for emperors to escape the heat during the summer months. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction and a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its beautiful gardens, pavilions, and lakes. It is still used for cultural events and ceremonies.

What are the two different types of cell wall found in eubacteria?

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The two different types of cell walls found in eubacteria are gram-positive and gram-negative cell walls. Gram-positive cell walls have a thick layer of peptidoglycan, while gram-negative cell walls have a thinner layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane.

Is it true that sperm cannot permeate the vaginal wall but that it can permeate rectal walls and enter the blood stream from there?

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Sperm cannot permeate through the vaginal wall, but if introduced anally, some sperm may potentially enter the bloodstream through small tears in the rectal wall. However, the likelihood of this happening is very low and should not be considered a reliable method of contraception or STD prevention. It's important to use appropriate protection during sexual activities to prevent the spread of STIs and unintended pregnancies.

Who wanted to destory the great wall of china?

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The Great Wall of China has faced various threats throughout history, including invasions from nomadic tribes such as the Mongols and Manchus. However, no specific individual or group has been documented as wanting to destroy the Great Wall of China in its entirety.