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Q: Who formed the growing labor force for the Industrial Revolution?
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How did women fight for change during industrial revolution?

Women fought to enter the work force in the Industrial Revolution

How did women fight for the change during the industrial revolution?

Women fought to enter the work force in the Industrial Revolution

A large part of the factory labor force during the Industrial Revolution was made up of?

woan and children

How revolutionary was the industrial revolution?

The definition of a revolution is a "fast" change or overturn in power or the way something is done. This can happen both politically or with force. In short, it is a quick change in power or way of life. Though the industrial revolution was over all peaceful, it still technically is considered a revolution.

What characteristic helped bring about the industrial revolution in England?

A revolution in agriculture in the 1700s created conditions that favored the Industrial Revolution.Farmers began growing new crops and using new technology such as the seed drill and the iron plow. Increased food production improved people's diet and health, which in turn contributed to rapid population growth. Better farming methods meant that fewer people were needed to farm. As a result, unemployed farmers formed a large new labor force.

What two factors led to rapid urbanization in Great Britain's cities?

The need for a work force for the factories established by the industrial revolution

Are there any Victorian values in modernism?

Modernism basically was a total rejection of the Victorian and industrial revolution's ideals and ways of thinking. But in its own way, Modernism was obsessed with the same 'drive forward' and search for renewal that had been the force behind the 'Victorian' industrial revolution.

Where did Industrial Revolution first take place?

Britain was the first site of the industrial revolution. Britain became the workshop of the world through the Enclosure movement, Textiles, Better Transportation, canals, railroads, ect. Many other factors contributed to Britain success.

Which are the 3 most important scientific revolutions?

Some of the greatest of the Scientific Revolutionwere made by one man, Sir Isaac Newton.He made exciting contributions to both math and phisics.he is best known for observations of gravity and the force that attracts objects to each other.

What do unions have to do with economic growth?

Unions played a huge part towards the turn of the 19th century because of their ability to force companies to respect and live up to the demands of employees. They were formed during the Industrial Revolution for that purpose, but they are pretty much useless now. Their is no more economic proof that they have made a difference ever since the Industrial Revolution; They in fact are hurting the economy because of their extremely high pay demand and massive amounts of vacation days.

Was the steam engine part of the renaissance?

No. The steam engine came along during the industrial revolution and drove most of the mills and their machinery. It was the primary driving force behind industrialization.

Why is a steam engine important?

The steam engine was the primary motive force throughout the Industrial Revolution. Without it there would have been little progress. It powered the factories, railways and the shipping.