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Q: Who fought over the issue of lay investiture?
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Why was the issue of lay investiture considered so important by German leaders and popes?

The issue lay investiture was considered so important by both German emperors and popes because Henry IV believed that he had the right to appoint bishops of the German church but Pope Gregory VII angrily opposed lay investiture and responded to the emperor's attempt to name bishops by excommunicating Henry IV.

Why was the issue of lay investiture considered so important by both German emperors and popes?

The issue of lay investiture was considered so important by both German emperors and popes because Henry IV believed that he had the right to appoint bishops of the German church but Pope Gregory VII angrily opposed lay investiture and responded to the emperor's attempt to name bishops by excommunicating Henry IV.

Who was most opposed to lay investiture?

The pope

What ended the lay investiture controversy?

The Mongolian invasion

The Concordat of Worms ended the practice of?

lay investiture

Pope and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire who battled over lay investiture?

Pope Gregory VII, and Henry IV

What agreement ended power struggles between holy roman emperors and popes over lay investiture?

Concordat of Worms

Appointment of bishops by anyone who is not a member of the clergy?

Lay investiture

Lay investiture solved by what in 1122 AD?

The Concordat of Worms.

Was most opposed to lay investiture?

Question 5: Correct Answer- The Pope

Why did lay investiture cause a struggle between kings and pope?

Lay Investiture is too broad a topic to cover in a quick answer site like WikiAnswers, below are links to articles about it in WikiPedia and the Catholic Encyclopedia.

What does lay mean in lay investiture?

king wants to put his friends in big offices but bishops choose. the lay is the secular part