

Best Answer

Saul of Tarsus know today as either Saint Paul or 'Apostle' Paul.


Jesus is the 'foundational stone' who brought the Good News (Gospel) of the Coming Kingdom of God, establishing His Church (called the Church of God in New Testament). He appointed Peter the first leader after His Resurrection. It was called "The Way" and latter becamen known as Christianity:

Matthew 16:18New King James Version (NKJV)

18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

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Q: Who founded Christianity in the first century of the common era?
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Christianity is said to have been founded in the first century CE. I grew slowly throughout the Roman Empire until, at the beginning of the 4th century, it probably consisted about ten percent of the population. At this point, Emperor Constantine gave the proto-Catholic-Orthodox branch of Christianity state patronage. This patronage made Christianity socially and politically desirable for some, and the religion grew quite rapidly. In the decade of the 380s, Christianity was made the state religion, and in 391 CE pagan worship was banned. So, Christianity became a leading religion in the fourth century CE.

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What is a brief history of Christianity?

The early church was founded by the Twelve Apostles. A great deal of persecution followed Jesus’ ascension and many of his followers were killed and imprisoned simply because of what they believed. Christianity only became legal in the fourth century, when Constantine formed the First Council of Nicea

who are opposite to Christianity?

Satanism is the opposite of Christianity. The Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey (1930-1997). The church was founded on April 30, 1966. While there were others before, this was the first "above-ground" organization with their beliefs.