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The Continental Congress appointed a committee consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to write the Declaration of Independence. Anams and Franklin assigned the task to Jefferson. He wrote it and they made minor changes. They brought it back to the Congress which made changes to the bill of particulars attached as an appendix.

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Q: Who gave Thomas Jefferson the right to declare the independence of the US?
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Which one is not listed by Thomas Jefferson as a self-evident truth in The Declaration of Independence?

The right to govern derives from God's law.

When did they right they the Declaration of Independence?

July 2nd, 1776. And actually, Thomas Jefferson is the one who wrote it.

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to protect the rights of its citizens.

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Thomas Jefferson took a stand on the rights of the people. He believed in it so much he added the line "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" to the Declaration of Independence.

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What are some ideas Thomas Jefferson states in the Declaration of Independence?

the deceleration of independence states that every man is created equally and that every man has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Why did Jefferson believe the colonists had the right to declare independent?

He wanted everyone to have an equal right

Why did Jefferson believe the colonists had the right to declare independence?

the decleration states that because the British government had repeatedly taken away the american rights, the american colonists had the right to form a new government.

Which US document starts When in the course of human events?

The document is the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and presented to the Second Continental Congress by the "Committee of the Five" (Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and Roger Sherman) as support for Richard Henry Lee's motion on the table "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states". The words, "When in the course of human events..." are the first seven words of the Declaration. Jefferson, as the author, began the Declaration in this manner in order to begin the detailed justification of the unprecedented act of a subject colony to declare itself independent of the mother country.

Thomas Jefferson added what right to John Locke's natural rights?

Thomas Jefferson added the right to the pursuit of happiness to John Locke's natural rights. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson stated that the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right, alongside life and liberty. This added right emphasizes the importance of individual happiness and personal fulfillment in a society, reflecting Jefferson's belief in the pursuit of personal well-being.