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I'm not sure if he gave them to Hermes, but Hephaestus made them.

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Q: Who gave the Greek god Hermes his winged boots and winged cap?
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How did the Greek god Hermes get his winged sandals?

Perseus, son of Zeus, gave them to him because he killed the Gorgon Medusa.

Where did Hermes fly?

i gave him shiny boots

What special weapon did Perseus have and who gave them to him?

A helmet of invisibilty from Hades Winged sandals from Hermes Wisdom from Athena

Where does the greek god Hermes story begin?

Hermes was born on mount Cyllene. He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes became the massager for the gods and goddess, Zeus gave him very special boots that can make him run at a really fast pace.

What was the name of the god who gave Perseus the sandal with wings on it?

Hermes loaned Perseus the winged sandals.

What weapons did perseus have and who gave them to him?

A helmet of invisibility - From Hades Winged sandals - From Hermes Wisdom - From Athena

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Hermes put in Pandora a shameless mind and a deceitful nature at the orders of Zeus. Hermes also gave her speech and her name.

Which Greek God was the Lyre given to?

When Hermes stole a flock of sheep from Apollo he gave him the lyre

Who was Perseus's patron god?

Hermes helped out Perseus by giving him a sword and winged sandals, Athena gave him a highly polished shield, and Hades gave him a helmet that would make Perseus invisible.

What is the Birthday of the Greek God Hermes?

The birthday of Hermes is celebrated upon the 4th of every month, 4 being the number associated and sacred to Him. Hermes gave mankind the 4 Hermetic arts.

Is there a person in greek mythology who stole the gods powers?

Prometheus stole fire from Helios and gave it to man. Hermes, Athenia, and Hades LOANED Perseus their magical accessories. (Winged Sandles, Aegis, Helm of Darkness) Typhon beat-up Zeus and stole his strength.

The origin of Hermes?

he was born during the early 400 bce's in Greece in a cave.