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Paris, the Prince of Troy, gave the Golden Apple to the goddess Aphrodite.

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Q: Who gave the golden apple to Aphrodite?
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He gave the golden apple to Aphrodite?

Paris gave Aphrodite the amazing golden apple.

Who was the Greek hero that gave the golden apple to Aphrodite?


Who were the three goddesses that competed for the golden apple at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis?

Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite were the 3 goddesses competing for Paris' golden apple and to see who is the fairest of the 3 goddesses. Paris chose Aphrodite and gave her the golden apple.

Who gave Aphrodite the golden girdle?

Hephaestus gave Aphrodite the golden girdle.

What is the name of the man that Aphrodite gave the golden apples?

If you mean the Golden Apple that Eris (Goddess of Discord) threw amidst the goddesses with the words "to the fairest" inscribed upon it. Then the apple was given to Paris, to decide between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera.

What is the theme of Paris and the golden apple?

The golden apple was supposed to be given to 'the fairest'. Three goddesses claimed to be the fairest: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Zeus told Paris to be the judge. Each of the goddesses tried to bribe Paris. Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman on earth, Helen. So Paris gave Aphrodite the apple, and Aphrodite helprd him to abduct Helen, from Sparta to Troy.

Aphrodite was fighting with who about the golden apple?

The other two goddesses in competition for the golden apple were Athene and Hera. Paris, the Trojan prince who had to judge who deserved the golden apple (which was inscribed "to the fairest"), was offered bribes by each of the goddesses. Athene promised him wisdom and strength in war. Hear promised she would make him a great king. Aphrodite promised him Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose Aphrodite's bribe, and gave her the golden apple.

Who had one golden apple in mythology?


He gave the apple to Aphrodite?


Why didn't Athena win the golden apple?

Paris judged that the golden apple inscribed "for the fairest" was for Aphrodite.

Who got the golden apple in Greek mythology?


Who won the golden apple in greek myths?
