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Vilfredo Pareto

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Q: Who gave the theory of circulation of elite?
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who was gave nutrition theory?

Which theory of democracy claims that the government is run by political insiders?

Elite Theory.

Who is Henry otley beyer and his theory?

Henry Otley Beyer was an American archaeologist known for his work in the Philippines. He proposed the wave migration theory, suggesting waves of migration from Indonesia into the Philippines. This theory helped explain the cultural and linguistic diversity found in the Philippine archipelago.

What is the difference between hyperpluralism and elite theory?

Hyperpluralism theory argues that there are so many competing groups in society that government is weakened by gridlock and inaction, while elite theory suggests that power is concentrated in the hands of a small elite group in society who make decisions that benefit themselves. Hyperpluralism focuses on the proliferation of groups, while elite theory focuses on the dominance of a select few.

Who proved William Harvey's blood circulation theory?

his mum

How did the theory of blood circulation change?

It was improved by lots of people.

The presence and power of multinational corporations illustrates what?

elite theory:)

Who gave cell theory?

The cell theory was introduced by two biologists, Schleidan and Schwann

Which scientist disproved Galen's theory about the circulation of the blood?

Andreas Vesalius

Examples of Arnold Gesell's theory?

Arnold Gesell's theory of development focuses on maturation and development occurring in a fixed sequence, with each stage building on the previous one. His work emphasized the importance of nature versus nurture in shaping child development, as well as the idea that children go through predictable stages of growth and development. Gesell's theory also highlighted the role of genetics and the environment in influencing a child's development.

What is elite and class theory?

States that there are classes throughout the nation, and that an elite class will rule the society regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization.