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Q: Who gives the federal government athourity to negotiate trietes with forigeon nations?
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The state militia negociates the provisions of the federal goverment?

What power in the Constitution gives the federal government the authority to negotiate treaties with foreign nations?

enumerated powers

What is the athourity to judges whether the acts of the other two branches of governnment are constitutional?

In the Supreme Court decision, Marbury vs Madison, 1803, the Court ruled that the right to declare laws unconstitutional belonged to the Judicial Branch of the federal government.

Can Colorado negotiate a treaty with Iraq?

No, that is a federal prerogative.

What powers does the federal government exercise in foreign affairs?

The federal government exercises certain powers in foreign affairs. The most important of these is that the federal government has the right to enter into treaties and agreements with other governments.

What it is a federal government?

what is a federal government

What in the constitution are the power of federal government?

The different branches of government are given different powers by the Constitution. Powers to tax, declare war, grant pardons, negotiate treaties, interpret the laws, and raise armies are some of the powers granted by the Constitution.

What word means having to do with central government of the US?

The central government of the US is the Federal government.

A federal pattern of government has of government?

federal pattern of government has __________ of government

why federal or state government checkmate the local government?

federal government

What is Brazil's form of Government?

the form of government in Brazil is the federal. go to Google and you will, get your answer in more detail if you want. they tell you why its a federal government and explains how it became a federal government.

What does the word federal imply?

The word federal refers to the federal government, or the largest form of government in the United States. It can also refer to taxes which are paid to the federal government or people who work for the federal government.