

Who had the surname Allen?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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In most cases, the identity of the first person to use any particular surname is lost to history. In the case of a surname like Allen, which is derived from a personal name, many people in different locations (and even at different times) may have independently adopted the surname, so there is no real firstperson to be found.

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Q: Who had the surname Allen?
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What country did the last name Allen come from?

Allen is an English surname from an ancient Celtic personal name. In England the personal name is usually spelled Alan, the surname Allen. The name means 'little rock'.

Is the surname Allen Irish or Scottish?

Originally, neither. It emerged from Brittany, France.

What is the meaning of Allen?

The surname Allen is English and Scottish from a Celtic personal name of great antiquity and obscurity. In England the personal name is now usually spelled Alan, the surname Allen; in Scotland the surname is more often Allan.Various suggestions have been put forward regarding its origin; the most plausible is that it originally meant 'little rock'. Compare Gaelic ailín, diminutive of ail 'rock'.

What is the origin of the surname Allan?

This surname Allan is an English and Scottish surname, a variant of Allen, and of Celtic origin. Perhaps there is also of Indian/Arabic origin of the surname Allan.For more information about the Allan/Allensurname, see related links below.

Where did the surname Allen originate?

The surname Allen has origins in England, France, and Ireland. It was brought to England in the wave of migration after the Norman Conquest in 1066 AD, and is derived from the given name Alan. The name Allen in France belongs to a very particular southern region that was once known as Languedoc. And while the majority of the Allens in Ireland are of English or Scottish origins, there were Irish bearers of the surname which was derived from the the Gaelic name "O Hailin".

What does Alaniz mean in Spanish?

Alaniz or Alanís. It is a surname which carries the meaning of "son of Allen". Earliest records of this Spanish surname are to be found near Leon, but it is also found in Sevilla.

What is the nationality of the surname Allen?

English and Scottish: from a Celtic personal name of great antiquity and obscurity. In England the personal name is now usually spelled Alan, the surname Allen; in Scotland the surname is more often Allan. Various suggestions have been put forward regarding its origin; the most plausible is that it originally meant 'little rock'. Compare Gaelic ailín, diminutive of ail 'rock'. The present-day frequency of the surname Allen in England and Ireland is partly accounted for by the popularity of the personal name among Breton followers of William the Conqueror, by whom it was imported first to Britain and then to Ireland. St. Alan(us) was a 5th-century bishop of Quimper, who was a cult figure in medieval Brittany. Another St. Al(l)an was a Cornish or Breton saint of the 6th century, to whom a church in Cornwall is dedicated.The surname O'Hallion was anglicized Allen in Ireland.

What does the surname Allen mean?

The surname Allen is derived from the given name Alan, which means headstone. According to, the name was popular among the followers of William the Conqueror due to St. Alan, a 5th century monk from Brittany. During the Middle Ages, parents often named their children after saints in the hope that they would be blessed and protected.

Where did black people with the last name Allen come from?

Most black people with English names like Allen are descendants of slaves who were given that name by theire masters in America, or took it at some point after emancipation.took that surname. It is possible, although less likely, that someone with that surname acquired it by other means in one of the former British colonies in Africa.

Is Farrah Fawcett related to Allen Fawcett?

If he is, he doesn't advertise it, nor is it mentioned anywhere in his bio by others. So they very probably just happen to share the same surname.

What does the name Allen?

From the Old English origin, the male given name Allen means harmony, peace.From it's Gaelic origin, the meaning is fair, handsome.From the Hawaiian origin, the female given name means an offering, or bouyant, light.As a family surname, Allen originates from 3 different countries: England, France, and Ireland. Please see the related link below for more information:

What is the greatest surname?

Any person's own surname is the greatest surname.