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The cartoonist who does the drawing for the comic of Maude. See shoebox cards or type in Maude and maybe you can find some.

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Q: Who has cool drawings of the definition for the word frump?
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What is the definition of frumptious?

Frump - a woman who is shabby and out of style in dress Frumptious is not really a word. Use frumpish or frumpy.

What is a frump?

The word 'frump' is used to describe an unattractive woman who wears dowdy old-fashioned clothes .

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the definition of jerk is someone being a show off and being cool

The difference between denotation and connotation?

Denotation is the definition of a word according to a dictionary. Connotation is the definition of a word depending on the context in which it is being used. Such as, the word "cool". Cool means something that is somewhere between hot and cold. But in the sentence' "Man that is cool!", it means that something is nice or advantageous. This would be the connotative meaning.

Can you give an example of a connotation in a sentence?

"Connotation" means a non-dictionary definition. Example: "The water is cool" (non-connotative) "The movie was cool" (connotative). In the sentence, "The movie was cool" the word "cool" doesn't refer to temperature, but to a systematic, rule-governed use of the word "cool" as a synonym for "awesome". In other words, a group of people agree that the word "cool" can be used instead of the word "awesome," and "awesome" becomes the connotative definition of "cool."

What word starts with f and ends with p?

Flap fellowship Flip Flop friendship frump

What is the definition of the word cool?

An ambient temperature somewhere between hot and cold. Also is a slang word for nice, good, satisfactory.

Is drawings a plural?

Yes, the word drawings is the plural form of the noun drawing.

What is a frump called I think it is a fart underwater?

Good guess! But a frump is a lady who is very plain and unfashionable. Kind of like the lady down the street who doesn't wear make up or kewl clothes. Some moms are that way, really plain. The word comes from Hebrew meaning "plain".

The definition for the word cool like popular?

Nice clothes Friendly Not snobby Long haired! (VERY IMPORTANT!)