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Q: Who has the most diverse ecosystems tropical rainforest or coral reef?
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The most diverse ecosystems on Earth are?

Tropical rain forests are the most diverse ecosystems in the world.

What is a diverse and fragile ecosystems formed from coral shells of calcium carbonate?

You think of course to coral reefs.

What is the value of a coral reef?

Coral reefs are important for many different reasons aside from supposedly containing the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Examples: They protect coastlines from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms. provide habitats and shelter for many marine organisms.

What would happen f the forest got flooded?

Floods can affect ecosystems as diverse as coral reefs and deserts...

What are facts about the coral sea?

The Coral Sea is usually characterized with a lot of tropical cyclones, rain and remarkably stable climate. The reefs have a diverse bird and crab life.

What are diverse and fragile ecosystems formed on coral shells calcium carbonate?

Here is a story of your average man... He will answer your question if you give him your candy. Doublelollis please. Thank You, Signed Slender Man

What is a song poem or rap about the ten major biomes?

In Earth's grand design, biomes intertwine, From the icy tundra to the tropical rainforest's vine. Desert sands and coral reefs, each with a role defined, Ten major biomes, diverse and intertwined.

What kind of ecosistem has more biological diversity that any other ecosistem?

Ecosystem may be natural of managed. Example of natural ecosystems are rainforests, coral reef, mangrove swamps, ponds, rivers, and grassland. Example of managed ecosystem are cropfields, fishponds, and fruit orchards.

What is 3 antonyms for biodiversity?

Ecosystem, Cycle, Senegal, life, Gambia River, Coral reef, polar regions, tropical regions, climate, plant, Biome, ecosystems, Bioneer and biography.

Why do you need coral reefs?

Coral reefs are a diverse habitat for marine life.

Is there coral in the southern ocean?

Yes, sea life in antartica is incredibly diverse, as diverse as tropical reefs. Though if you look it up it will be hard to find, due it being understudied. But yes, coral reefs do exist, even in the coldest oceans, and the darkest depths. In fact, coral can grow as deep as 8000 meters or even more.

What is is in the coral reef?

Tropical climates.