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Only the pope has the power today to declare saints but after years of study by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

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Q: Who has the power to declare someone a saint?
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Who declares someone a saint?

Only the pope can declare someone to be a saint and only after years of investigation by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.

What does it mean when did your saint become a saint?

It means when did the saint get canonize or when did the Church declare that person to be a saint. Canonization/canonize is when the Catholic church declares a dead person to be a saint. It's a long and lengthy process to declare/canonize a person to be a saint.

The Congress has the power to declare this?

Congress has the power to declare war.

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The power to declare war is a power that belongs to Congress.

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Congress has the power to declare war not the President.

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One Constitutional power specifically delegated to the federal government is the power to declare war.

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Each state does not have the power to declare war. Only Congress can declare war.

What are the requirements to declare war?

Seems like all you need to have: is a soul, and something or someone you don't like, to declare war. so not much is needed. ANSWER: In the United States, you need the approval of Congress in order to declare war. The President does not have the power to declare war on his own.

Who vhas the power to declare war?

Congress has the power to declare war. The president of the United States is the commander of the military but cannot declare war without Congress.

Which recently deceased leader of the Catholic Church do some people want to declare a saint?

well one is definitely pope john Paul 11 i know that they are trying to declare him a saint

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The power to manufacture money and declare war is given to congress.

Power to declare war is an example of which type of power?

The power of congress to declare war and raise an army or navy is an expressed power.