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Aliens that take over the world in 2015. There leader is Muhammad Ali.

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Q: Who has the power under a central government?
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Which central government is in power?

Any central government by definition is in power. If it were not in power it would not be a central government.

What did Hamilton imply were the weaknesses of the present system of government under the Articles of Confederation?

Hamilton implied that the weakness of the government under the Confederation was because the central government didn't have enough power. He believed too much power was given to the states and that the central government should be able to pass laws.

Why did the central government under the articles of confederation given such limited powers?

The central government was more limited under the Articles Of Confederation than under the Constitution. People did not trust the government to have too much power. It looks like they were right.

What Under a confederation form of government most of the power belongs to the national central government?

False. In a Confederation, more power belongs to the individual, or state, governments.

Under a confederate system of government where is power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

What type of government is it when central government has all the power?

The type of government where the central government has all the power and the people have none is called a dictatorship.

Land reform under the tang dynasty resulted in?

Increased power for the central government due to decreased power of large landowners.

Anti-federalists and the increase of power of the central government?

Anti-federalists and the increase the power of the central government?

In what ways Congress weak under the Articles of Confederation?

they gave very little power to the central government and if the central government wanted to pass something all the states would have to ratify it.

Under the Articles of Confederation the power to declare war and negotiate peace rested with the?

central government had the power to declare war and negotiate peace

What Under the Articles of Confederation the power to declare war and negotiate peace rested with the .?

central government had the power to declare war and negotiate peace

'Under the articles of confederation the power to declare war and negotiate peace rested with the?

central government had the power to declare war and negotiate peace