

Who help Brian locate the berries Hatchet?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who help Brian locate the berries Hatchet?
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What did Brian first make to help h catch something to eat Hatchet book?

Brian first made a bow and arrow to help him catch something to eat in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen.

Explain how brian is led to the berries?

Brian is led to the berries by using his survival skills and knowledge of the wilderness. He pays attention to the surroundings, looking for signs such as the type of plants and animals in the area, to find the berries. Brian's observation and understanding of nature help him locate the berries, which he can then use as a source of food in the wild.

How did brain start a fire in the hatchet?

In the novel "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, Brian starts a fire in the hatchet by striking the hatchet's blade against a rock, creating a spark that ignites some dry moss he had collected. By blowing gently on the sparks, Brian is able to help the fire grow and sustain itself.

What happens when Brian tries to get help over the radio in hatchet?

When Brian tries to use the radio to get help in "Hatchet," he hears only static, indicating that the radio is not working properly or that there is no signal. This lack of communication intensifies Brian's feelings of isolation and forces him to rely solely on his own resourcefulness and survival skills.

How did thinking about MrPerpich help Brian Hatchet?

It motivated him to not give up and look through everything he had.

What tools did Brian use in the book Hatchet?

Brian makes fire, makes tools, makes a raft, and guts animals with his hatchet.

What is the initiating event in the novel hatchet?

The initiating event in the novel "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen is a plane crash that leaves the protagonist, Brian Robeson, stranded in the Canadian wilderness. This event sets the stage for Brian's survival journey as he must learn to fend for himself with only a hatchet to help him.

What happened to Brian at the end of chapter 3 in hachet?

At the end of chapter 3 in "Hatchet," Brian successfully ignited a fire with the help of his hatchet and some dry grass. This fire serves as a turning point as it marks his ability to survive and adapt in the wilderness.

What did Brian decide to do to help save himself from the book hatchet?

Brian decided to make a signal fire to attract rescue. He gathered wood and started a fire using his hatchet to ignite it. He hoped the smoke would alert passing planes or boats to his presence on the island.

How did brian use perseverance in hatchet the novel?

In "Hatchet," Brian uses perseverance by never giving up, even when faced with difficult situations like being stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash. He keeps trying to survive, learns from his mistakes, and keeps a positive attitude despite the challenges he faces. Brian's determination and resilience help him overcome obstacles and eventually be rescued.

What did brian decide to do to save himself in hatchet?

Brian decided to create a signal fire in order to attract the attention of passing aircraft. He used his hatchet to start a fire and signaled for help by letting it burn high and strong. Eventually, a passing plane spotted the signal and rescued him.

What are the metaphor's in the book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, some metaphors include Brian's emotions being compared to a storm, his thoughts likened to a tangled ball of string, and survival feeling like a battle against nature. These metaphors help convey the intensity and complexity of Brian's experiences in the wilderness.