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Q: Who helped Frederick Douglass with his writing in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave?
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What motivated Frederick Douglass to read and write?

He wrote in a Narrative writing however it is difficult to go in depth with his writing style. He was a slave so he did not get a good education and made many spelling errors in his work due to his poor education.

What is the purpose for writing the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass?

The purpose in writing The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was to inform others of the cruelness the slaves endured. Douglass' audience consisted of mostly white men (not very many slaves knew how to read). His story acted as fuel for the abolition

What mission did Frederick Douglass have by writing his narrative and speeches and publicly speaking his opinions?

To educate the public on how horrible slavery really was. Also to help end slavery.

Was Frederick Douglass a inventor?

yeas he invented computer cords and a story writing that is wrong that is fredrick the one this person is saying is fredErick DOUGLASS he invented speeches and quotes

What were Frederick Douglass's hobbies?

he injoyed writing and reading also trying to stop slavery.

Why did Douglass's autobiography have such a powerful effect on its readers?

Frederick Douglass's autobiography had a powerful effect on readers because it provided a firsthand account of the brutalities of slavery and the resilience of the human spirit. His narrative challenged commonly held beliefs about race and slavery, sparking important conversations about abolition and civil rights. Additionally, Douglass's eloquent writing style and personal story made his experiences relatable and inspiring to many.

What were Frederick Douglass' hobbies?


How did Frederick Douglass change?

Frederick Douglas was a social reformer who used writing to argue against slavery. He himself was a slave before writing his autobiographies.

What concrete detail is most relevant to Frederick Douglass's autobiography?

My feet have been so cracked with the frost, that the pen with which i am writing might be laid in the gashes

What is Frederick Douglass tone in his essay learning to read and write?

Frederick Douglass' "Learning to Read and Write" was shown to an audience of white males because at the time, many women and slaves were not literate. His purpose in writing this was to show slaves that if they learned to read and write they could better themselves.

How would you describe Douglass's writing style an level of language?

Frederick Douglass's writing style is characterized by its eloquence, clarity, and power. He often used vivid imagery, emotional appeals, and persuasive language to convey his message about the injustices of slavery and the importance of freedom. Douglass's writing exhibits a high level of language, with sophisticated vocabulary and complex sentence structures that demonstrate his intelligence and skill as a writer.

Who began writing for a newspaper after being freed from slavery?

Frederick Douglass began writing for a newspaper after being freed from slavery. He was an influential abolitionist and writer who used his platform to advocate for the rights of African Americans.