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Q: Who helps Johnny to get out of trouble in johnny Tremain?
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For the Book Johnny Tremain Who is the Pumpkin what role does he play?

Lt. Pumpkin in the book Johnny Tremain Who was a British soldier. Johnny helps him desert from the army. Later, Pumpkin is captured by the enemy and executed.

Why is Johnny Tremain movie PG?

it is educational and helps you learn

How did Hancock help Johnny in the book Johnny tremain?

In the book "Johnny Tremain," John Hancock helps Johnny by giving him a job as a messenger for the Sons of Liberty. He also provides Johnny with guidance and support, and ultimately introduces him to key figures in the American Revolution, which shapes Johnny's path and involvement in the events leading to the war.

Who wrote jimmy tremain?

Esther Forbes wrote Johnny Tremain, I do not think there is a book called Jimmy Tremain! HOPE THIS HELPS!! :)(:

Where is little Jehu mentioned in the Johnny Tremain book?

Little Jehu is mentioned in the beginning of the book "Johnny Tremain" when Johnny is working as an apprentice in the silversmith shop. He helps Johnny with his chores and is somewhat of a nuisance to him at times.

How does Rab influence Johnny Tramain?

Rab, as a wise and compassionate mentor, influences Johnny Tremain by offering guidance, teaching him valuable skills, and instilling in him a sense of purpose and responsibility. Through their interactions, Rab helps Johnny to grow emotionally and morally, shaping him into a more mature and self-aware individual.

What is Chapter 4 of Johnny Tremain about?

To find out what the entire chapter was about, there is a site called go on that and where it says search type in the book title Johnny Tremain and then it will show you some links but on one of them there will be a link that says summary of johnny tremain and you can see a very descriptive summary of each chapter. I use it when i need to finish a chapter and i am unable to finish it on that day. Hope it helps! P.S some links will be just google ads and not be the actual sparknotes summary if the first like you click on says summary and takes you to a different website then try another link that says summary good luck :)

What is the episode when johnny test sneaks to the zoo and lets all the animals go to Africa?

Johnny Of The Jungle. Hope it helps!

Who is the minor character of the story of Johnny Appleseed?

The minor character in the story of Johnny Appleseed is a horse named Billy. Billy helps Johnny on his journey to plant apple trees across America.

Who is the boy who helps Pony and Johnny The Outsiders?

Dally helps them when the church is on fire.

Has Johnny Depp ever been in Friends?

johnny depp has never ever EVER been in friends hope this helps x

When does dally give johnny and pony the gun?

Dally gives Johnny and Ponyboy the gun after the socs attack Pony and Johnny in the park, or after Johnny killed Bob for trying to kill Ponyboy