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Q: Who interprets the laws punishes lawbreakers?
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What are the duties of the three branches?

Judicial: Makes the laws. Executive: Carries out and enforces the laws. Legislative: Interprets the laws and punishes lawbreakers.

Which branch of government interprets nations laws?

The judicial branch interprets the nation's laws.

What are the three branches of government and what are their functions?

The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. The Legislative Branch's basic function is to make laws for the common good of the People. The basic function of the Legislative Branch is to enforce those laws. The Judicial Branch's basic function is to judge whether laws are unconstitutional, if not found Constitutional, they are not passed.

Does the president interprets laws?


The judicial branch does what with the law?

The Judicial Branch interprets laws and ensures they are constitutional.

How did the new mining enforce laws and keep the peace?

Vigilantes punished lawbreakers

Which government branch interprets our laws?

The Judicial Branch interprets the laws. The Legaslative Branch makes the laws. The Executive Branch carries out the laws.

What does interprets the laws mean?

It means that they are discussing whether the law is constitutional or i like cheese or :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0 HACKED

Which part of the government interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch, or the courts.executive is president. jucicial is the court. and the legislative branch makes and interprets laws

How did the new mining towns enforce laws and keep peace?

In some cases, they formed a "Committee of Vigilance" to watch what was going on, and to act to enforce laws. The members were called "vigilantes".

Who interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch.Supreme Court

Which branch of government interprets laws?

The judicial branch interprets the law.