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Q: Who introduced a crop to Jamestown that made it profitable?
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Profitable money crop of Jamestown?

Jamestown, Virginia was one of the most important colonial cities. The crop that made it most profitable was tobacco.

What crop made jamestown wealthy?


What made cotton profitable?

The combination of the cotton gin and slave labor made cotton a profitable crop for plantation-style agriculture.

What crop allowed the early English colony of Virginia to become profitable and survive?

Tobacco farming made the English colony of Virginia profitable

What cash crop made Jamestown a profit after settlers began farming it?


What crop made the colony of Jamestown successful?


Was slavery expensive or profitable for the southern economy?

It was very profitable. It allowed the southern colonies to hold profitable tobacco planting. Off this staple crop, they made a lot of money.

How did tobacco and crop is help Jamestown?

It flourished and eventually made them grow into a successful colony.

What changes made Jamestown a successful colony?

actually john rolfe introduced the American crop tobacco to the colony. This crop did save Jamestown. Also, they offered 50 acres of land to any man, woman, or child who could pay their way to Jamestown, which lead to a higher population. that is true but they where the first colony were everyone didnt die.

What cash crop helped Jamestown to become a successful colony?

The settlers grew tobacco as their cash crop. This got them a lot of money.

What made Jamestown colony unsucessful?

Jamestown was built in a swamp. Although it kept natives at bay, the soil was bad and disease and disease carriers were in no short supply. The original settlers were of an upper class and had never had to work before, making them lazy. The colony managed to have some success when John Rolfe introduced tobacco, a get-rich-quick variety of crop.

What were Jamestowns cash crops?

Tobacco would be the salvation not only of Jamestown but of the state of Virginia. Tobacco remain a profitable case crop in the region until the negative campaign against the tobacco industry decreased the demand.