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Q: Who introduced the sonnet in England?
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Shakespeare introduced the sonnet to England?

Sonnets were well-established in England before Shakespeare had a go at them.

How did the sonnet come to England?

The sonnet form was introduced to England by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey in the 16th century. They adapted the Petrarchan form of the sonnet popularized by Italian poet Petrarch, creating the English or Shakespearean sonnet structure with 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme. William Shakespeare later popularized the sonnet form in England through his famous sonnet sequences.

Where did the sonnet originate from?

England... ... i think...

Did Shakespeare introduced the sonnet to England?

The sonnet was popularised in England by Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard Earl of Surrey, who were some two generations before Shakespeare. (Shakespeare was born in 1564, Henry Howard in 1517). The sonnet was already well established in Italy by the time of Howard and Wyatt; it had been made the natural form for Renaissance lyric by Petrarch during the 1350's. The English sonnetteers were imitating an established Continental model. By Shakespeare's time the sonnet was still new, but no longer cutting-edge.

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the printing press was introduced to England in 1476 by an English man called William Caxton

Who brought the Italian sonnet to England?

Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard Kidd

When was English language introduced to England?

The English language was introduced to England around the 5th century AD by Germanic tribes, primarily the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These tribes brought their language to the British Isles during the Anglo-Saxon settlement.

Who defined sonnet form?

The sonnet form was popularized by Italian poet Petrarch in the 14th century. English poet Sir Thomas Wyatt and Earl of Surrey introduced the Petrarchan form to English literature, while William Shakespeare popularized the Shakespearean or English sonnet form.

Who is the father of sonnet?

The Italian poet Petrarch is often credited as the "father of the sonnet." He popularized the Petrarchan, or Italian, sonnet form, which consists of an octave followed by a sestet with a specific rhyme scheme. His work inspired later poets, including Shakespeare, to adopt and adapt the sonnet form.

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