

Who invented blup on Howrse?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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The game and all of its content was created by Owlient, a French company. You can find out more about them by clicking on the white bar at the top of each Howrse page.

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Q: Who invented blup on Howrse?
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How do you BLUP a Howrse?

you can raise your horses BLUP by entering shows and contests with it. SpanishLove howrse

How much is positive blup on howrse?

Over 0 BLUP is a positive BLUP.

How do you complete quest 24 on Howrse?

A howrse has -100 BLUP when it is born, as you train it, it gains BLUP. Quest/ Objective 22 is asking you to use one of your howrse that was bred by you (Producer= your user name) and train it until it has positive blup.

How do you know if your horse has a BULP on Howrse?

All horses have a blup, the blup can be between -100 and +100. I think that you can only see your horses blup once you have reached riding level two or something but I think howrse may have changed that. Happy Howrsing Also add me on howrse, im AMMMYAMMMY :)

How do you produce a colt using a mare that has positive BLUP on howrse?

you breed a mare (girl horse) that has positive BLUP with a male horse

Is -34.50 bulp good on Howrse?

about 75 BLUP is good on Howrse, -100 is the worst, 100 is the best, and 0 is neutral

How do you get a positive blup on Howrse?

You can get a higher BLUP by training you horse in its three best skills, having it win competitions, (the best number of wins is 20) and to get it to 100 BLUP it has to be at least 10 years old.

What is a BLUT on Howrse?

don't you mean BLUP? well BLUP mean's how many competitions your horse has won in first place so if you want a BLUP you haft to win 20 competitions and that means coming first

Where is your blup on Howrse?

Under the genetics tab. you can improve it by completing training and entering competitions.

What is BLURP on howrse is it good or bad?

It's called BLUP. It's an indicator of how well your horse is trained and how well he has done in competitions. A positive BLUP (up to +100) is good, a negative BLUP (-100) is bad. The BLUP of both parents decides whether their foal has inborn skills or not, and how many it will have.

On Howrse What is better high or low blup?

If your horses blup has a - in front of it -0.78 is better than -78 because it is negative numbers! Once you are in positive numbers higher is better. the maximum amount of blup is 100 and the least is -100. Tinybry

How do you check your horse's BLUP on Howrse?

You go to their page. Under the genetics tab, it will say what their BLUP is. You must have passed riding level 4 to be able to see the genetics tab.