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Q: Who invented code of consisting of a series of dots and dashes?
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Who invented a code for dots and dashes?

Samuel Morse developed Morse code for transmitting data using a series of dots and dashes.

Inventor of the code consisting of a series of dots and dashes?

Morse code was developed in the early 1830s, by Samuel F. B. Morse and Alfred VailWho_invented_Morse_Code

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Who invented a code of dots and dashes?

Are you refering to Morse code? If so, its inventor is Samuel Morse. Hope this helps!

What did Samuel F B Morse do and say?

Samuel Morse is most famous for inventing the telegraph which is a means of communication by sending a series of dots and dashes over electrical wires to send a message. These series of dots and dashes came to be known as Morse Code.

Who invented a system of communicating using dashes and dots of sound?

This code was created for Samuel Morse's telegraph and is known as Morse Code

What is Samuel Morse message?

Samuel Morse is the man who made up Morse code, a code made up of series of dots and dashes.

You use dots and dashes in code?

you use dots and dashes in the Morse code

What are Morse clicks called?

Morse clicks, called Morse code, are dots and dashes. Dots are the short clicks, while dashes are longer. Morse clicks, called Morse code, are dots and dashes. Dots are the short clicks, while dashes are longer.

What is the code using dots and dashes called?

Morse Code

What is the system of dots and dashes?

Morse code