

Best Answer

God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit invented the universe and earth in six days and on the seventh day he rested.


Not very helpful to anyone who does not take literally, an allegory either originated by or transcribed from oral tradition by, an unknown Bronze-Age tribal priest, possibly to try to comfort his society at a time of strife. (Strife? In the Middle East? Surely not...) ! And the "Son" wasn't there yet either....

Astronomers have calculated the Universe as being something like 15 000 000 000 years old and ever-changing; the Solar System (including the Earth) about 4 700 000 000 years old.

Whether you believe in gods or not, no-one "invented" the universe, but the more we (i.e. anyone of any faith or none but who is not afraid to open their minds to learning) learn of it, the greater and the more majestic, awe-inspiring, complex and beautiful we find it.

You don't serve your god by closing your - or worse, anyone else's - mind to its greatest works!

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