

Who invented fireworks Chinese?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Who invented fireworks Chinese?
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Related questions

Who first invented fireworks?

The Chinese

What nation invented fireworks?

The Chinese.

How long has fireworks been around?

a long time fireworks were invented by the ancient Chinese (When they invented gunpowder)

Who invented the fireworks?

The Chinese invented gunpowder, which they used in making explosive rockets for war as well as for making fireworks, about 1,000 years ago.

Which Chinese person invented fireworks?

It is not exactly known. But there are evidences that fireworks were first used by Chinese during Song Dynasty.

What are China's invention?

the chinese invented gunpower and fireworks

What county invented fireworks?

China invented fireworks first, then the Europeans found out about the Chinese invention, and then it spread around the world.

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How does the firework relate to china?

The Chinese invented gunpowder, and fireworks was their first use for gunpowder. The Chinese have been connected with the idea of fireworks ever since.

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fire works were invented by Chinese

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When and where manufactured the first fireworks?

The Chinese invented gunpowder and thence the first firworks