

Best Answer

a. Charles Babbage

b. Ada Augusta Byron

c. JM Jackguard

d. Grace Murray Hooper

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Q: Who invented the GOTO instruction that tells a computer to jump backwards or forwards in its program?
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What has been invented since 1967?

personal computer

What are some inventions of the Northeast Region?

the northeast invented apple the computer system

What was invented after 1908?

There are thousands of things that were invented after 1908. Some of these things are a computer, an iPod, cell phones, microwaves, televisions, and video games.

What inventions wew invented in the 1880's?

1956 "mistake out" 1995 dvd 1975 personal computer 2005 you tube

Who developed the first transistor?

The first computer (a mechanical analog computer) is believed to have been invented circa 100BC by Archimedes.The first digital computer (a mechanical computer) was invented about 1837 by Charles Babbage.The first electronic digital computer was invented in 1937 by John Vincent Atanasoff.The first integrated circuit (a hybrid device) was invented between 1949 and 1951 independently by Werner Jacobi, Geoffrey W. A. Dummer, and several others; however the first working units had to be built with sockets for special miniaturized vacuum tubes, it was only late in the 1950s that transistors replaced the tubes in these devices.The first monolithic integrated circuit was invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby, this germanium device was not very practical to manufacture and never went beyond prototype development.The first practical monolithic integrated circuit was invented independently in 1959 by Robert Noyce, this silicon device was rapidly improved on.The first transistor (a germanium point contact transistor) was invented in 1947 by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain.The first junction transistor (a germanium grown junction transistor) was invented in 1948 by William Shockley.

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Is the computer invented or not?

Yes, the computer is invented.

Who invented amblulance backwards?

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Why An wang invented the computer?

he did not Charles Babbage invented the computer, an wang just invented a computer program

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Why was the apple Mac computer invented?

it was invented by Steve Jobs. The Mac Computer was invented by him.

Who was it that invented computer?

Charles Babbage invented the natural computer.

When the first computer was invented not a calculating device and who invented it?

first computer was invented by Chals Babeje. It invented in 1938

Wwwho invented computer?

Charles Babbage invented the first computer.

Which is the day the computer is invented in 1786?

which is the day of computer invented in 1786

What year was the computer punch card invented?

The Hollerith computer card was invented in 1890.

Which country invented the modern computer?

The Computer Modern was invented 1958 USA

Where was the computer invented in?

Z3, an electromechanical programmable computer was invented in Berlin. ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic computer was invented at the University of Pennsylvania.