

Who Assembly language write?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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That depends on who you ask and how far back you go. It could be Intel, it could be whoever designed the ENAIC (used for looking up trajectory tables) but I think it was Charles Babbage, inventor of the 'analytical machine.'


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12y ago

Assembly language is written by programmers that know the architecture of the particular machine in question. Its no different than a programmer that writes in, say, C, Fortran, Cobol, or Ada.

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10y ago

Assembly language was invented in order to get programmers to stop creating programs in machine code. If you don't already know, machine code is represented by a series of 1's and 0's. This binary system of representing data is the "native" language of the computer, as it is the only language the computer can understand. As you can see, understanding strings of only 1's and 0's such as 1011001 is very hard to interpret.

To make programming easier, assembly language was created. Assembly language uses mnemonics such as "push" and "pop" in order to replace machine instructions.

The use of words makes the program much more readable by humans. Even so, assembly language is a low-level programming language, meaning it more closely resembles machine code than high-level languages, which more closely resemble actual words.

As said before, computers can only understand machine code, so assembly instructions such as "push" and "pop" do not make sense to it. In order to make the computer understand the assembly instructions, the programmer uses a program called an assembler to convert the assembly instructions back into machine code.

In the modern world, assembly language is rarely used because of the more readable high-level programming languages, such as C++, that are available. However, assembly language is used by programmers when they want fast programs, or interaction with the hardware, things that high-level languages do not support.

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11y ago

The invention of assembly came about shortly before the first computer was build that could be programmed, which was in 1949. Computers prior to this date could be fed input and provide output, but were not able to store complex programs that could be "run" from memory. It was the first fully implemented language that could be executed. It is usually also the first language that is designed for a new chipset before another language, such as C++, is ported onto it.

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