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During the first century AD, Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria described the first *recorded) steam engine called the aeolipile. Over the next centuries numerous engines powered by steam were created, notably a steam turbine described by Taqi al-Din (1551) and Giovanni Branca (1629). Similarly, Denis Papin inventred the steam digester (1679), first piston steam engine (1690), first practical steam engine was a water pump invented by Thomas Savery (1698). The first steam engine that was commercially successful appeared in 1712 which combine the works and ideas of many that had come before it in an engine developed by Thomas Newcomen. This was the model that helped spur on the Industrial Revolution. James Watt improved upon Newcomen's model from 1763 to 1775 and created the Early Watt pumping engine, which was more efficent and further accelerated the Industrial Revolution.

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Who invented the early steam engine?

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