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Q: Who invented the temperature scale with boiling point at 80 degrees?
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At what temperature does the weather reach boiling point?

Weathers boiling point?.... if you mean rain, its water so .. 100 degrees?..

What temperature is the boiling point of salt water?

100 Degrees Celsius

What is the boiling point to freez the water at?

boiling point of water: 100 degrees C ; 212 degrees Ffreezing point of water: 0 degrees C ; 32 degrees Fmelting point of ice: once the temperature rises above the freezing point of water

At what temperature is krypton a solid?

there is no dang boiling point

Person who invented temperature scale that uses 0 degrees for freezing point?

Carl Linneaus convinced Celsius to invert his original scale which had water's freezing point at 100 and its boiling point at 0

Related questions

When does Boiling temperature Start?

The Boiling Point Temperature is 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius

If the temperature was 20 20 degrees celcius how far was is from boiling point?

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius

Why was Celsius invented?

Apparently to have a 100 degree scale between freezing and boiling. Fahrenheit has the freezing point at 32 degrees and boiling at 212 degrees. However, in Celsius, the freezing point is 0 degrees and the boiling point is 100 degrees.

Temperature of boiling point of water?

212 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the temperature scale with the freezing point of water at 32 degrees and the boiling point at 212 degrees?


Orange juice boiling point temperature?

I did the experiment and the boiling point is 100 degrees Celsius, 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature is 5 degrees below the boiling point of water?

95 degrees Celsius is five degrees below the boiling point of water. If you are working in Fahrenheit it is 207 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the boiling point of chlorine at room temperature?

Chlorine is a gas at room temperature. Boiling point of it is 34.6 degrees Celsius. It stays as diatomic molecules.

What is boiling water temperature?

The boiling point for water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsius, or 373 kelvin

What is the temperature of water in Celsius?

Water does not have a specific temperature. Its freezing point is 0 degrees Celcius and its boiling point in Celcius is 100 degrees.

What is the halfway point between the boiling temperature and the freezing temperature?

50 degrees Celsius or 122 degrees Fahrenheit

How many degrees between freezing point and boiling point on the celsius temperature scale?

freezing= 0 boiling= 100