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In the BBC America Series, Robin was betrayed by Allan-a-Dale. Allan made a deal with Gisborne: he would spy on Robin and tell Guy what they were up to. He didn't always completely betray the outlaws though. He didn't tell Guy everything.

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15y ago
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14y ago

In Disney version (Robin Hood 1973 classic),the villain is the Sheriff of Nottingham who stole coins and bullied people in the Sherwood Forest.

Just because Robin Hood robed from the rich and gave it to the poor, doesn't mean Robin Hood is a villain.

Robin Hood is the main character in the story.

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14y ago

Main enemy

The sheriff

or the red coats

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13y ago

of course,the foes of him are wicked,bad,snobbish,so rich but never even gıvıng a penny to the poors humanbeings;)

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12y ago

because while king Richard was away he was a bad prince cause he took all the people taxs and made them poor that's why robin hoods arch enemy

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13y ago

Little John, Will Scarlet, Allan a'Dale, Friar Tuck, Much (the Miller's son?), and in some stories Maid Marian

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