

Who is Sid from the Adventure of Tom Sawyer?

Updated: 3/16/2020
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Sid is Tom Sawyer's half-brother.

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Q: Who is Sid from the Adventure of Tom Sawyer?
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Tom Sawyer told his aunt that he was Sid, his half-brother.

Who is Sid in the adventures of tom sawyer?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, Sid is Tom Sawyer's half-brother. He is portrayed as a well-behaved and responsible boy, often in contrast to Tom's mischievous and adventurous nature. Sid serves as a foil to Tom, highlighting their different personalities and characteristics throughout the novel.

Who is sid to tom swayer?

Sid is Tom Sawyer's younger half-brother in the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. Sid is portrayed as a well-behaved and responsible boy, in contrast to Tom's more mischievous and adventurous character. Despite their differences, Sid cares for his brother and plays a supportive role in the story.

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He has a brother not a sister and his name is Sid.

Who is Tom Sawyer's brother?

Sid is Tom's brother, but they are only half-brothers.

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Over $12,000

What does cousin Sid look like in Tom Sawyer?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," cousin Sid is described as being similar in looks to Tom, with a sharp eye and a cautious manner. He is said to resemble Tom in features, but with a more serious and attentive expression.

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In Chapter 12 of "Tom Sawyer," an example of alliteration is "sid was clawing for some soft."

Who does tom pretend to be in Huckleberry Finn?

He pretends to be his own brother, Sid Sawyer

What kind of bowl does sid break that tom sawyer gets blamed for?

Sid breaks Aunt Polly's blue pitcher, and Tom Sawyer gets blamed for it because he was seen near the scene of the accident.

How did Tom Sawyer scare the Phelp's family?

Tom Sawyer scared the Phelp's family by pretending to be their nephew, Sid, who had recently deceased. He arrived at their house, claiming to be Sid's ghost back from the dead, and caused a commotion until the truth was revealed.

Who is Tom Sawyer's brother?

Aunt Polly- Tom's aunt and guardian.Sid - Tom's half brother. He is seen as a goody-goody.Mary - Tom's sweet, well behaved cousin.According to the book, there are only three main relatives, as Tom's birth parents are not referenced.