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Q: Who is Sphinx that lived in the old times?
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Related questions

Where did the sphinx live?

She lived for a time in Thebes.

Where did the Greek Sphinx live?

She lived for a time in Thebes.

What are the all the king's names in Mesopotamia that actually live in the Great Sphinx of Giza?

No one lived inside the Great Sphinx - it is solid.

Was an Egyptian sphinx hallow?

They were usually the guardians of the temples and at times the Great Sphinx was worshipped.

What does the sphinx stand for?

Fun and good times!

How old was the great sphinx?

around 4600 years old

Exactly how old is the sphinx?

The Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2500 B.C. sorry, i don't know the exact!

Special facts about the sphinx?

Some people may believe that the sphinx is 10,000 years old (Again - who knows?)

Who lived in Vermont old times?

The Green Mountain Boys including Ethan Allen.

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998 Bible times

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the Makahsand the kwakiutls lived in the northwest in the united states

Did Gideon Mantell use technology in his work?

Probably not because he lived like in the old times.