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Tycho Brahe (14 December 1546 - 24 October 1601) was a Danish nobleman who is said to be the greatest obvervational astronomer of his age. A flamboyant character with a gold nose. His nose was cut off in a dual with another nobleman.

He was known to live to excess. He often ate large rich meals and also drank a lot of alcohol. It was this that actually caused his death through an infection in his bladder caused of years of glutony and excess. He was granted an estate on the island of Hven and built an observatory called Uraniborg. However a disagreement with the king in 1597 caused him to leave to become the official imperial astonomer for the Holy Roman Emporer the Czech Rudolph II in Prague. He built a new observatory at Benatky nad Jizereo. It was here that from 1600 until his death in 1601 that Johannes Kepler (27 December 1571 - 15 November 1630) was his assistant. Kepler was is said to be the greatest mathematian of his age. Acurate observations of wandering stars (planets) over many years allowed Johannes Kepler, to calculate the 3 laws of planetary motion. Although Kepler had to wait until after Brahe's death to get all the information he needed.

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Q: Who is Tycho Brahe what were his significant observation which were later used by Johannes Kepler in realizing the three laws of planetary motion?
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