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Q: Who is a person that makes public speeches?
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What do you call a person who makes public speeches?

a polictian

What is a person that makes public speeches called?

If he or she makes them well then it is an orator.

Who makes barack obama's speech him or his agent?

He has a special person to write his speeches.

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Are the US president's speeches copyrightable?

Technically yes. However, most public speeches are released into the public domain immediately, since the person making the speech normally wants it to be distributed as broadly as possible.

Why were public speeches so important to protesting British rule?

Why were public speeches so important to protesting British rule?

What makes speeches so bad?

The oppisite of what makes a speech good :)

What do people remember most from public speeches?

Tone of voice

What was the reason Grimke and Beecher had their argument in public letters?

It was not proper for women to make speeches in public.

What role have public speeches served in ancient societies?

Public speeches serve to inform, influence, or entertain. In ancient societies, as well as societies today, they are used for all of those purposes.

Is a person who makes public derogatory remarks punishable by law?

not against fathers

What is the definition of public writing?

Public writing can be defined as written documentation of some kind that is available for the public. Advertisements, articles, and speeches can be considered public writing.