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Jesus and then God

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Q: Who is above the pope?
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Related questions

Where is a picture of Pope Benedict XVI?

There is an image of Pope Benedict XVI above.

What does Pope Francis look like?

I have posted a photo above of Pope Francis.

Why is the pope above society?

because he is the closest to god

Does the pope think he is above god?

The pope communicates the will of God. He is God's highest servant among mankind. According to Catholics, at least.

Where can you find pictures of Pope Benedict XVI?

If the image of Pope Benedict above is not suitable you can do an image search on the Internet for a variety of images.

What is the coat and arms of Pope Benedict XVI?

The coat of arms of Benedict XVI is pictured above.

How does the pope relate to the Hundred Years War?

The pope at the time held a very strong position politically over many nations at the time. The pope was above the established government of any Christian nation, so basically he called the shots. If something happened that he (the pope) didn't like, no matter who you where, a tramp, or the King/Emperor, you had to face his wrath.

Who and when was the last retired pope?

Prior to Benedict XVI in 2013, it was the year 1415, when Pope Gregory XII resigned..AnswerNever. A Catholic (It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.) Pope can not retire. The few pope that have renounced the papacy have RENOUNCED it, not retired. Pope Gregory XII, above was the last pope to renounce the papacy, before that it was Pope St. Celestine V who renounced the papacy in 1294.

What was the Pope before the current one named?

As of March 13, 2013, the name of the Catholic pope is Francis (Pope Francis); Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio was elected as pope. The one before him was Pope Benedict XVI elected in April 2005 but abdicated in February 2013 due to old age and exhaustion.

Who was the most murderous pope?

A:Throughout history, popes have generally considered themselves above the law, which means that if a pope wished to commit murder or, more usually, order a victim to be murdered, he was free to do so. For this reason, it is hard to establish which pope was probably the most murderous. A likely candidate for this dubious honour is Pope Benedict IX, who is also the first sexually active pope said to have been primarily homosexual.

In which hospital was the Pope Benedict XVI born?

He was born in his parents' home in Marktl, Bavaria, Germany, and not in a hospital. See image above.

Who was the pope immediately after Pope John XXIII?

Pope Paul VI was elected pope after the death of Pope John XXIII.