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Drugs and violence are very serious matters. I am not trying to be a do gooder and say neither should happen, but when drugs and violence happen on a large scale, for example throughout a city this can lead to many problems.

Firstly, for children on drugs or that suffer from violence their education may be affected and thus lives be worse up later on and may continue to use drugs and even become violent.

A larger strain on public services such as the police as they have to fight the crime and lock away the drug dealers.

However, if drugs didn't happen all economies around the world may be affected. One person's wages are another, and so if you take away the drug dealer you are limiting hundreds of other people that relied on his wage for theirs.

As you can see many people are affected by drugs and violence and this is just a taster as to who is and why/how.

Hope it helped :)

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Everyone, especially the families who are destroyed by drug overdoses, the taxpayers, and the people who end up in prison for any number of crimes they commit to support their drug use.

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Q: Who is affected by gang violence and drugs?
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