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Bishops, priests, and deacons in good standing with the Cathoiic Church

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Q: Who is allowed to adminiser the catholic sacrament of matrimony?
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What is the Catholic Church's teaching on ordained deacons who leave to get married?

They are not accepted to talk a homily during the mass.Their vow of Holy Order is not banished and he is not allowed to take the sacrament of Matrimony.

My Catholic son married a non Catholic in a non-denominational church he is divorced and is now planning to remarry a Catholic in the Catholic church is this allowed?

A divorced man/ woman cannot get married in the catholic church again. The sacrament of matrimony can be received only once in the Roman Catholic Church.

The central sacrament of the Roman Catholic church is called?

Roman Catholic Answer: One way of looking at a "central" sacrament would be The Most Holy Eucharist (the Mass and Holy Communion). All the other sacraments are means of grace. They are real actions which signify and actually impart the grace which they signify. The Eucharist is different, as It is actually the Body and Body, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus, Himself. It is His Reality.Every other sacrament leads up to the Eucharist or flows from It, but they are allowed aimed at It.

In the RC Church can the same two people have two ceremonies?

In the Roman Catholic Church, two people can only have one ceremony of marriage, as the sacrament of matrimony is meant to be a singular and lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. Having multiple ceremonies with the same couple for the same marriage is not allowed in the Church.

What is the only sacrament a priest never performs?

Marriage, I think. Priest are not allowed to get married.

Can a non-Catholic read at a Catholic Mass?

It is the opinion of this writer that if the non Catholic read that which was in accordance with Catholic doctrine I would see no reason for them to be refused. If one were to read that which was contrary to the Catholic creed then no. As this writer understands who would be allowed such an honor then it would be someone of some standing in the community.

Can a divorced greek orthodox woman marry a catholic man in a catholic church if her first marriage was annulled by the greek church?

The answers is no, if he wasn't divorced,yes,because the catholic church recognises the orthodox church as valid since they were one church before.However if he is divorced he is not allowed in either catholic or orthodox. A Catholic can marry any non- Catholic, and it is recognized as a sacrament in the Catholic church. Only when the individual has been previously married there is an issue. In which case that individual must have their previous marriage annuled. The Catholic church permits Catholics to marry in the Orthodox church and it is a sacrament. I have spoken to Catholic priests and Catholic Bishops and they do not see a problem with a Greek annulment, as being an impediment. If that individual did not have their marriage previously annulled than it would be an issue.

What can't Roman Catholic people do?

Roman Catholic people are expected to follow certain beliefs and teachings dictated by the Church. As a result, they are not allowed to engage in actions that go against these teachings, such as procuring an abortion, taking part in same-sex marriages, or using birth control methods that are not approved by the Church. Additionally, Roman Catholic priests are not allowed to marry and must remain celibate.

Could clergyman allowed to marry?

Answer Catholic Bishops are not allowed to marry

How do Catholics divorce?

Divorce does not exist within the Roman Catholic Church, but Catholics can apply for an annulment. If the marriage is deemed to have been invalid, it is declared null. The advantage of an annulment is that the Catholic is recognized to have never validly contracted marriage and is therefore free to marry. In most countries, Catholics can obtain a divorce from the secular authorities, without reference to the Church. A divorce allows the Catholic to remarry under law, and is usually required whether or not an annulment is obtained from the Church. Even if the Catholic does not obtain an annulment, a secular divorce allows him or her to remarry, but not in a Catholic church. However, it is important to remember that the Catholic Church will not formally recognise this marriage.

Who is allowed to attend a Catholic wedding?

Everyone is allowed to attend a catholic wedding. There aren't any rules specified as to who should attend the wedding or not.

What did the catholic emancipation act accomplish in Ireland in 1829?

it allowed catholic to vote and hold office