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Q: Who is allowed to use Superframe computer?
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What kind of computer is not allowed to use the network is put on a dedicated network or is only allowed access to certain network resources?

Quarantined computer

How do you use program that is not allowed on a computer?

take of your firewall protection

What is the code you use to get a picture from your computer to your website?

Uploads of pictures are not allowed.

Name something of dads that kids aren't allowed to use?

Car Tools Razor Computer

How do you access your home computer from work?

You can use software called TeamViewer, it's free for personal use. You can access your computer at home from anywhere with your smartphone or another computer with the TeamViewer software installed. I use the software all the time and haven't had any problems with it.

Do they let you use computers in jail?

Computer Use In JailYes, they do if you have good behavior. And if you weren't talking about the prisoner then I think the guards are allowed to use them, too.

Can you use previous activated Windows Vista?

If it is a re-installation on the same computer then it is allowed. If it is a new installation on any other computer then it is a breach of the licensing laws.

How many months before a new seaman is allowed to use phone or computer on the ship?

Every ship's captain will be different.

What kind of computer does Nathan Kress have?

They weren't allowed to use Apple computers, (for franchising reasons) so they used a 'Pear' computer. (Eg: Pear logo instead of an apple)

Are you allowed to go on the computer?

you are on it now.

Kids should be allowed to use the computer?

There is an up side to it and a down side to it. The up side is that the computer can contain interesting and educational information, but the down side is that many children many abuse the power of the computer to play and watch inappropriate or not-what-you-are-supposed-to-be-doing type of thing. I think that children should be allowed but RESTRICTED.

Are Michael jacksons kids allowed on the computer?
