

Who is discovered motor?

Updated: 9/28/2022
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13y ago

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As a motor refers to the electric verison (petrol is an engine) the

first commutator-type direct current electric motor capable of turning machinery was invented by the British scientist William Sturgeon in 1832

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Q: Who is discovered motor?
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Who discovered dc motor?

Nobody discovered it. It was invented by Micheal Faraday.

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No one discovered the motor car, it was invented. The first motor cars were produced during the 1880s by a German engineer named Karl Benz.

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Have you patented it?

Name of the first electric motor?

The first electric motor was the Faraday Motor, invented by Michael Faraday in 1821. This motor was a very rude motor, you have motion from electric energy, but no useful work. In 1831 he discovered electromagnetic induction and invented the first induction motor. See links below for more info.

What did Michael Faraday discover and when did he discover it?

Michael Faraday invented lots of stuff...........including, the electric motor and he discovered induction.....Helpful?

Michael Faraday's inventions?

He discovered electromagnetic induction,diamagnetism and the laws of electrolysis, which is the basis for both making electricity and driving a motor with electricity. He also built a dynamo for making electricity.

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At which year was it when the electric motor was discovered?

The electric motor was invented not discovered since it didn't exist until someone invented it. When it is invented depends on how you define it. The spinning jenny was a weaving machine that was invented in England in the late 1700's and it used water power to move the parts of the machine. This could be considered a motor. In 1890 a man by the name of Benz invented one of the early cars and it had a motor. Of course in the 1840's Fulton came up with the steam engine that was used in steamboats and trains and later the Stanley steamer car. Electricity as we know it came from Edison in the form of the light bulb in the early 1900's, so the first motor would have been in the early 1900's. I do know that Otis had a motor for an early elevator by 1910.